Monday, May 24, 2010

Hatchet's Nid vs SM All Around Defenese

Nids(me) vs SM
1540 pts

My Army
2x Tyrant Guard(lashwhips)
2x Hive Guard
4x Tyranid Warriors (boneswords, scything talons)
5x Tyranid Warriors (4x deathspitters, venomcannom, scything talons)
9X Genestealers (toxin sacs, Broodlord)
20x Hormagaunts (toxin sacs)
Fast Attack
10x Gargoyles (toxin sacs)
Trygon Prime

SM Army
Lysander w/ Command Squad
Force Commander
5x Terminators (power fists, stormbolters, power sword)
Dreadnought (assault cannon, close combat weapon)
10x Scouts w/Telion (6x Snipers, heavy bolter, bolt guns)
2x Tac Squad (Missile Launcher, flamer)
1x Devastator Squad (2x Heavy Bolter, Plasma Cannon, Lascannon)

We decided to use the battle missions book for our game we ended up with the Space Marine special mission All Around Defense. This special mission has one objective point in the middle of the table and who ever controls it at the end of them game wins. We set the terrain up with four building in the center and some others scattered around the outside. The special rules for deployment was to take turns placing a unit, Space Marines could only deploy up to 12 inches away from the center marker and I had to deploy at least 18 inches away from the center marker. Since I was the attacker I also had place my HQ and Heavy in reserves at the start. After deployment it was a roll off to see who went first. The way everything was set up it looked like whoever went first was going to win. Luck was on my side and I got first turn.

Turn 1(me)
I had to keep my Swarmlord w/ guard and Trygon in reserve which worked out pretty good. I also kept my Genestealers in reserve.

I moved everything to be in position to assault. My shooting was lack luster. I killed 3 scouts with my warriors and just stunned the dreadnought with my hive guard. I ran my hormagaunts in a position so I can get his devastators and the tac squad in combat so I wouldn't have to worry about getting shot up from them.

I assaulted and was hoping for some amazing results since I have 60 attacks going towards the marines. I kill five marines and he kills 11 homagaunts after No Retreat! wounds. The gargoyles assaulted the other tac squad and didn't fair to well either, with 7 gargoyles down to his 3 marines. But considering the point cost comparison the gargolyes did great.

Turn 1(sm)
With all his units but Lysander w/ command squad, force commander and snipers in assault and the dreadnought being stunned he didn't have much to do. His snipers were out of coherency and had to move them, so lucky me didn't have to take any shots from them. He moved Lysander and company toward the hormagaunt assault and dropped an orbital bombardment on my warriors. I lucked out and he only hit one killing it out right.
The assault was a massacre he killed the rest of my hormagaunts and only lost one marine from his command squad due to having to take a dangerous terrain test thanks to my venomthrope.

My three gargolyes were amazing! ok well not really 2 of them died leaving me to have to take 2 No Retreat! wounds needing 2 6+ to save HE LIVED! One lone gargoyle holds off 7 Space Marines.

Turn 2(me)
I rolled for reserves and brought in my Swarmlord and Genestealers.
Again my shooting was lack luster with the only thing that happened was stunning the dreadnought. My bonesword warriors made their way to the tac squad that was still tied up the the gargoyle and assaulted. They destroyed the squad leaving a lonely Sargent but I did lose my gargoyle.

On the other side of the table my gun warriors and venomthrope attacked the command squad and tac squad. Things did not go so well for me with me losing everything and him taking no wounds.

Turn 2(sm)
Well now I'm in a bad spot and all his gun are bearing down on me.
His shooting commences and leaves me with a genestealer and a broodlord. He assaults and my genestealers and broodlord roll ok killing 2 of his command squad but he kills them in turn. His tac squad assaults my Swarmlord and guard. They kill all but Marine leaving me stuck in melee which sucks.

Turn 3(me)
My Trygon prime comes in right next to the scouts. Takes his 12, strength 5 shots and kills..... none.

My hive guards take out the dreadnoughts assault cannon. And my Swarmlord kills the last tac marine.

Turn 3(sm)
His Terminators come in next to my Swarmlord and he makes the worst mistake of the game. He moves his devastator squad. I had left my Trygon Prime wide open to fire from them now he can't take a shot. My Trygon takes 2 wounds from the Scouts and his force commander in shooting, and his terminators do some wounds to my warriors. He assaults my Swarmlord with Lysander. I kill Lysander and he kills one of my tyrant guard. Leaving me in combat again with one Marine.

Turn 4(me)
I move my bonesword warriors in a position assault the devastators to be able to by turn 5 . I shoot again with my Trygon and do nothing. I assault the scouts with my Trygon. I kill all the scouts and the last Marine from the command squad.

Turn 4(sm)
He turns all his guns on my warriors since they are the only remaining scoring unit in the game. He only manages to kill one. He does one wound to my Trygon with his force commander than assaults with his dreadnought.
I manage to destroy his close combat weapon and he does no wounds.

Turn 5(me)
I assaulted the devastator squad with my warriors, and the Terminators with my Swarmlord. We decided the only thing that mattered was the Warrior fight so we did that first. My warriors wiped out his devastator taking no wounds, and at the point my opponent conceded.

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