With heavy heart I must report I have failed the Emperor and disgraced the Raven Guard chapter. My unit made contact with a Tau force in a Spearhead deployment. It was clear from the get go they were after our Comms relay and we were after there objective. I had the Rhino with 10 tactical troops inside up front, along with a predator and dreadnaught. I kept the sniper scouts back near the Comm relay and the Captain stood near the side waiting for a flank. Luckily, we had the drop on them and moved into position first.
Since the Rhino and 'naught were out in the open, I ordered both to pop smoke right away. The dreadnaught fired at one of their damn mechs causing a decent amount of damage. What may be our failing was that the predator, equipped with an autocannon and two lascannons, fell just short of its target.
The Rhino continued to move forward; B-lining for their objective. A lascannon on the hammerhead knocked out an engine on the enemies hammerhead, causing the vessel to become immobilized. The assault marines continued to do what they do best, assault causing a wound to another mech.
Sadly, this is where things begin to turn around for us. Since the Rhino became immobilized, the marines shuffled out and ran for the objective taking heavy losses. The snipers again couldn't see any targets, but the predator destroyed the weapon systems on the enemies devilfish.
Hoping that the combat would continue, I ordered the snipers to move off the objective and engage our attackers. They succeeded in their attack, but were unable to reclaim our objective in time. This was our failing. Our final few tactical marines worked on clearing out the enemy objective which was surrounded by disgusting Kroots. Our flamer laughed as he took out 7 of the 10 units. But in the end it was too late. We failed to even contest their objective. And while they failed to get close enough to ours, I had ordered the snipers to move away; which lead to our defeat.
One thing I need to work on Chapter Master: Paying closer attention weapon types.
I hope my next engagement with the Tau will be a larger one and I will not fail the Emperor.
Nice, I like the in-character voice. I'll try to have my version (with the pictures) up tomorrow.